


我们目前的空缺可以在我们的网站上找到 职业网站. 

Please 联系 our Employment Coordinator, Jim Calhoun, at 518-580-5802 与 any questions 火博体育申请状态. 

人力资源部鼓励员工利用 employee self-service portal (Oracle) 更改他们的地址. 您可以访问Oracle培训 在这里 或发邮件给Jim Calhoun,就业协调员 jcalhoun@stagnesemmaus.com.

If you decide to leave your employment 与 火博体育大学, we ask that you give 至少提前两周书面通知我方. 请以书面形式通知你的导师 在你的最后一个工作日尽快. 这将使我们有机会做出 对我们的操作进行必要的调整.

Your separation date will be your actual last day worked and you will be paid for any properly reported unused accrued vacation leave in accordance 与 the vacation 政策,只要你提供了所需的通知. 休假时间是挣来的 并在全年平均累算,直至最高年度保单金额. 应该 you leave your employment 与 火博体育大学 and the amount of vacation hours taken and paid exceeds the amount earned and accrued to date, you must repay the difference 火博体育学院.

Before or on your last day 与 the college, you are required to return all property 火博体育学院(e.g.身份证、钥匙、信用卡等 火博体育设备)在你离开之前交给你的主管. 你应该意识到 that Employee personnel files are College records and separated employees are not 有权获得这些记录.

点击 在这里 了解更多信息.

员工的发展 & 识别

人力资源 provides a variety of learning and development opportunities year-round. 机会列表可以在 人力资源学习 & 开发网页.

人力资源 administers the Thoroughbred Thanks appreciation program created to recognize members of the Skidmore Community for good work, good deeds and adding value 到学院. 更多信息可在 纯种马感谢表彰网页.

Each May following Commencement, the College celebrates members of the Skidmore Community who have service achievements (Service Award Recipients) and retirement at a luncheon. 这个事件被称为R&R,还有“总统奖”, which President's Awards are presented each year to members of the Skidmore faculty, staff, and student body who have embraced the educational mission and cooperative spirit of the College through their exemplary commitment to personal excellence, campus 骄傲和社区服务.

The awards are intended to celebrate and symbolize the wide range of contributions 以个人和团体为单位,提高校园生活质量. 2021年退休的录音 及嘉许仪式可在 人力资源主页.

While t在这里 is some flexibility depending on divisional/departmental needs, Human Resources encourages leaders to complete performance evaluations and set goals for 在5月至6月的时间框架内即将到来的一年.


人力资源部鼓励员工利用 网站的好处 了解有关你的福利和休假选择的信息. If you have questions or need additional information, please 联系 Laura Goodwin, Assistant 福利行政、合规及健康处处长(lgoodwin@stagnesemmaus.com 或ext. 5808)或福利协调员伊丽莎白·沃尔什(elwalsh@stagnesemmaus.com 或ext. 5803).

In order to change your retirement contribution rate, Faculty and 工作人员 employees 必须完成 补充退休帐户减薪表格. To find this form, click on 福利的形式 in the navigation menu on the 好处 网站.


Upon separation from the College, employees will be paid for unused accrued vacation 这已经被记录下来并得到了员工主管的批准. 在这种情况下, 带薪假期不延长工作时间.

In accordance 与 New York State laws and 与 our commitment to promote good citizenship, the College will not discharge or otherwise penalize any employee because of their 旷工 担任陪审员. 雇员应向其主管出示陪审团通知 收到后立即. 如果你能在轮班中工作三个小时或更长时间, 你必须这样做. 陪审团义务证明服务条必须提交给您的 部门每周记录你的时间. 这项福利适用于所有常客 一经录用即为全职和兼职员工.

When a regular full- or part-time employee is required to serve as a juror in a court 在此过程中,学院将支付该员工的正常工资. 收到后立即 of payment from the government, the employee should submit a copy of the government pay stub to Payroll and reimburse the College for the exact amount of pay received 政府. 员工可以保留任何里程或费用报销. Notify your supervisor and provide them 与 any paperwork you are given by the court. Since the College pays you for your time at Jury Duty, you are required to record 你的时间 甲骨文云. When filling out your paperwork from the court, you indicate that you are being 因此,你不会收到陪审团义务的支票. If 如果有的话,你需要把它提交给工资部. 


请假申请和考勤必须填写 甲骨文云. Employees may 联系 payroll at extension 5840 与 questions regarding entering 请假请求.

Employees should 联系 the Payroll Department at 518-580-5841 (faculty and staff 雇员)或518-580-5842(工会和行业雇员).

纽约州和联邦扣缴表格可以在下面找到 就业形式 在人力资源网站上.

所有的就业证明都要寄给其中之一 hr@stagnesemmaus.com 或传真至518-580-5805. 任何火博体育工资信息的要求都必须包括一份签名的 员工授权. 雇用证明的书面副本是 保存在员工的人事档案中.


Employees should be able to obtain a copy of their position description (formerly “职位调查问卷”). 另外,员工 可联络人力资源部.

GSA是“一般薪酬调整”。. 这种调整,在一定程度上,它 ,必须每年春季由校董会批准. 所有符合条件的 当GSA可用时,员工将获得相同的百分比增长. 如果GSA是 approved, the salary adjustment will normally go into effect for working days from 6月1日以后. 员工的绩效改进计划、纪律处分; 或薪额已达最高的人士,可能没有资格领取政府公务员津贴.

Each year, HR works 与 senior leaders to review compensation to external benchmarks. A market adjustment is proposed when this review indicates that an employee is lagging 在市场补偿的基础上,学院的 薪酬理念.

Each year, HR works 与 senior leaders to review compensation to internal comparables. An 股权调整 is proposed when this review indicates that an employee is lagging behind similarly 机构内的在职员工.


Employees are always encouraged to discuss concerns 与 their supervisors, or other 领导团队的成员. 然而,要提交正式投诉,员工应该 联系 人力资源, and specifically the Assistant Director for Employment, Compliance, and Workplace 通过ext实现多样性. 5819.

Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves 与 the College's reasonable accommodation 流程和政策. 员工如欲申请协助,请填写 工作场所住宿请联系人力资源部, and specifically the Assistant Director for Employment, Compliance, and Workplace 通过ext实现多样性. 5819.


The college encourages members of the community to come forward in a timely manner 与 诚信报告或对可疑的合规问题的关注. Individuals are encouraged to submit such reports to their immediate supervisor or the appropriate department chairperson, program director, dean or other college 官方.

Although the college encourages individuals to report concerns to their immediate supervisors, department heads, program directors, deans or other appropriate college 官方s, t在这里 are times when an individual may feel it is necessary to report a 对传统报告机制之外的不法行为的担忧. 为了解决这个问题 situation, Skidmore has selected an independent firm to provide a way to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve improper conduct or violations 火博体育政策. 员工可以提交报告 浏览本网站 或致电888‐828‐7002.