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Q&A with transfer student, Gabby Vuillaume

Gabyy Vuillame家乡: 萨拉托加斯普林斯,N.Y.

高等学校: Saratoga Central Catholic High School

专业: 英语和音乐

活动: 招生 Ambassador, Peer Leader for new transfers, Bare (literary publication), Skidmore Chorus, Drastic Measures (a capella)

为什么 did you decide to transfer to Skidmore?
的 biggest reason was that the arts are so strong and celebrated at Skidmore. 的 music program, in particular, is absolutely wonderful, which is something that I was 真的在寻找. I took an arts tour when I visited Skidmore and I got to see the music facilities and knew right off the bat that this is where I wanted to be. 另外, the community was just so welcoming. I felt so sure about Skidmore, that it was the only school I applied to as a transfer! 

What does Skidmore offer you that your previous college did not?
I am able to express myself more freely and creatively at Skidmore. My previous college did not really give me the musical opportunities that I was hoping for. 事实上,我 was a journalism major with a music minor, and I had a change of heart while I was 在那里. Music was ony offered as a minor, and I decided that if I really wanted to pursue music, I was not going to be able to do so unless I transferred.

What advice do you have for those considering transferring to Skidmore?
First and foremost, take a tour! Seeing the school first-hand gives you a much better sense of what we have to offer and who we are as a community. Skidmore is also SO accommodating to transfer students. 的re is an orientation program just for transfers. 的re is also a transfer pre-orientation program, so, transfer students can meet each 其他马上. Transfer pre-orientation is actually how I met some of my best friends! 

Are you glad you transferred? 为什么?
Transferring to Skidmore was probably the best decision I have ever made. 我感到融入其中 into the community quickly and met amazing friends, some who have similar and some not-so-similar interests as me.  I also feel academically challenged without feeling 不知所措. 的 fact that I can do music and 英语 at the same time is incredible because I’m not limited to just one thing. Skidmore was very accommodating with my 转移信用. 

What's the best part of Skidmore so far?
的 people and the classes. Everyone here is so passionate about what they do, but are also so encouraging of their peers at the same time. 的 classes are extremely interesting and interdisciplinary. 的y are also on the smaller side, with the average being around 16 students. You get to know your professors well, and they truly care about you and how you are doing in and out of the classroom. One of my favorite classes so far is a physics class called Sound and Music, which I took to fulfill the natural 科学要求. We studied soundwaves, frequency and amplitude, and how music 与此相关. It was so interesting.

What are your future hopes/plans?
I’d like to perform in some operas, as well as combine my love of music and writing, perhaps  through journalism.