

by Stella Piasecki, 23岁

我叫Stella Piasecki, 23岁. I’m an 环境研究专业 来自大巴林顿, 麻萨诸塞州, and I’ve dedicated a decade of my life to the battle against a destructive, distressing and downright deplorable entity — garlic mustard. 
I like to think of myself as a garlic mustard warrior, and this summer I am continuing 我在火博体育的竞选活动. 一个人是如何被征召去执行这项任务的? 它开始于 对户外的热爱. 
Growing up in the Berkshires, I've always had a deep love for forests. 当我 choosing a college, I knew it had to be one that had a forest readily available for 我的探索.
当我到火博体育的时候 上旅行, one of the first things I did was look up a map of campus and head in the direction of the 北部森林.

On that first day, walking the red trail loop, I got a small taste of what these beautiful 155英亩的保护土地. 我知道我恋爱了,还有北森林 让我感觉就像在家里一样. 
In my time at Skidmore since that first walk, I’ve often returned to the woods for 休息,锻炼,探索和学习. 但每次我去拜访,我都注意到 像蒜芥菜这样的入侵物种已经生根发芽. 我知道我必须想个办法 to get involved, and I found the perfect opportunity — working as a 北部森林 steward. 

北部森林 stewards are student employees who work for Skidmore’s 可持续发展办公室 over the summer and throughout the school year to help preserve, protect and raise 意识到这一宝贵的校园资源. 树林与校园相连 with five hiking trails, which lead visitors through nature and away from the hustle 和日常生活的喧嚣. 除了提供娱乐的机会,公园 woods are also used by professors in classes and other projects, including 暑期合作研究 与学生.
Stewards do everything from conducting trail maintenance to improving wayfinding with 标牌和信息亭. The whole job is very rewarding, but I feel the most joy when I know I’m helping to maintain the woods for future generations by pulling and disposing 入侵物种.

In just three weeks on the job, I’ve pulled tens of thousands of garlic mustard plants. The 北部森林 Stewardship has given me the opportunity to devote the majority of my summer to doing what I love: protecting the natural beauty of native forests.


Throughout my life, I have been devoted to reducing populations of garlic mustard, 无论是在马萨诸塞州还是在火博体育. 一株植物可以产生数百个 of microscopic seeds that can sit in the soil for years and create hard-to-fight patches that displace native plants like wildflowers and tree seedlings.

Garlic mustard is particularly troublesome because it grows in thick outcrops that 掐死附近的任何东西. 大蒜芥末的根部也会产生一种毒素 杀死许多植物赖以生存的土壤真菌.

Basically, garlic mustard is the worst in all possible ways. 
If left unmanaged, invasive species like garlic mustard can reduce the biodiversity of an ecosystem by outcompeting native species and reducing resources for native flora 和动物.
To pull garlic mustard effectively, you need to pull the entire plant, including its 根系. It is really important to dispose of garlic mustard properly because if you leave the plants after you have pulled them, they can easily regrow in the 他们被遗弃的地方. We bag up the plants in trash bags, seal the bags and then 把它们当垃圾扔掉. 


Garlic mustard, originally from Europe and Asia, has become a very troublesome invasive plant across the Northeast, Midwest and Northwest of the United States.

While I'm determined to destroy the garlic mustard and save the 北部森林, I also 很难看到成堆的废弃植物材料. 我很高兴能和大家分享 there’s a silver lining to such a dark and devious plant: Its leaves are completely edible. 
I have been making garlic mustard pesto every summer since I was 10 years old, and 它已经成为我最喜欢的夏季传统之一.

Now, it is my honor to recruit you in the campaign against garlic mustard with this recipe: 



  • 2-5杯蒜芥菜叶 
  • 2-3瓣大蒜
  • 一小束罗勒
  • 1 teaspoon Tofutti cream cheese (or your choice of dairy Parmesan or regular cream cheese)
  • 2-3汤匙特级初榨橄榄油
  • 半杯豆芽
  • 3撮胡椒
  • 盐的味道


  • 食品加工机
  • 橡胶抹刀
  • 沙拉转轮


  1. Remove healthy looking leaves from the garlic mustard stalk until you have 2-5 cups 健康的叶子.
  2. Place the leaves in a salad spinner and rinse thoroughly. 沥干两分钟 然后再冲洗一次. Repeat this process two more times for a total of four rinses then spin the salad spinner for a few minutes to get the leaves very dry.
  3. Once the leaves are dry, place them in the food processor.
  4. Add olive oil, pepper, garlic and basil then turn the food processor on high for 30-50 几秒钟或者直到磨得很细.
  5. 加入奶油奶酪和少许盐.
  6. Turn the food processor back on until cream cheese has been thoroughly mixed in.
  7. 盐的味道.
  8. Use a rubber spatula to stir the pesto making sure everything is finely ground and mixed in, then use the spatula to transfer pesto into a container of your choice.
  9. 在上面撒上豆芽.
  10. Enjoy!


Stella Piasecki

Stella Piasecki, 来自大巴林顿, 麻萨诸塞州, is an 环境研究专业 who can usually be found hanging in her hammock on Case Green or exploring the many trails and parks near campus. 她也 really into turtles, so if you happen to spy a turtle anywhere on campus, let her know!