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Skidmore College

There’s no place like Skidmore

May 15, 2019
by Jenny Lupoff '19

在过去的四年里,当谈话中提到火博体育时,他总是引出一个话题 那是一种我无法准确描述的好奇反应.

亲戚们急切地告诉我,他们有朋友的儿子去了,而且“很喜欢”,或者是他们的同事 那些“很久”以前就去了,但仍然回忆起他们作为Skidkids的日子的人. Even strangers 街上的人都会瞥见我的Skidmore t恤或帽子,然后,同样的 glimmer in their eyes, exclaim “Skidmore!” as they passed me.

这些同事、表兄妹和陌生人的脑海里都充满了故事 某种特殊而有力的东西——某种火博体育特有的东西.

虽然我从第一天开始就喜欢这所学校,但现在,当我想象出这所学校之外的生活时 创意,舒适的校园,一切都突然感觉如此特别. And so now, I too must reminisce.

Goodbye, D-Hall

I’m sorry I haven’t had a meal plan in two years. Please know your food is much better 比我的. 我真希望我参加你的主题晚宴能弥补失去的时间. 哦,我会多么怀念我的盘子里堆满了《火博体育官网》和《火博体育》主题的菜.

谢谢你给我和我的朋友们安排了"我们的餐桌"就在艾米丽花园旁边 (对于那些想坐在这里却没能坐下来的人,我很抱歉). Here, we sat for every 一顿饭,通常是几个小时又几个小时,推迟最后期限,以支持许多盘子 chicken fingers and sundaes.

Skidmore College dining hall exterior

Goodbye, Case walkway

I have maybe walked down Case walkway a million times. 我 seen it at dawn and at 黄昏,十月和三月的雪(这里最终会停止下雪). 我 别人都在房间里冬眠的时候我却走了下来. Yet even when eerily quiet and empty, it still felt like home.

我躲避过飞盘,拄着拐杖一瘸一拐地走在这条路上. 我 sprinted down it to catch the shuttle (not after that time I broke my foot),在图书馆里呆了一个深夜,欣赏着它,慢慢地走回家 beauty of D-Hall, even in the dark.

Flowering tree near a walkway on Skidmore campus


 Do you know the one? You can’t mistake it. If you walk by and hear a strange rattling sound, that is it. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, it will pop its head out. And if you’re 真的很幸运,它的嘴里会有一整片披萨. I wonder, will I ever see a squirrel like this again?


Goodbye, Jonsson Tower

我已经两年没住在这里了,但我大学生涯的一半时间都在这里度过 建筑. 我记得在我上大学的第一个晚上,我坐在顶层, 好奇地打量着我周围的新面孔,想知道他们是否会感到熟悉.

Goodbye, library

I’ll miss you and my favorite library seat. I’ll even miss the echoing stairwells 以及5月初开始的浴室排队. But you know that — 我 already given you your own farewell. 

特别感谢你为我提供了一个安静的空间,让我可以几个小时不停地写作 my senior year when I needed you most. I’ll miss staying until the lights turn off, 吃着零食,喝着咖啡因,远远超过了我该喝的时间.

Skidmore college library exterior

Goodbye, college academics

从我的艺术史和商业课程到客座讲座, 我会怀念在这所学校不断创新、独一无二的学习方式. 每节课都以新的和意想不到的方式推动和挑战我——有些是字面上的 rocks and rivers, others with re-enactments and debates.

我会怀念每学期在购物车里添加新鲜的课程,这些课程都很吸引人 标题和有趣的描述让人很难从中选出几本. 虽然 一篇40页的论文在那一刻并不总是让人觉得有趣,我知道我会想念花时间的 下午在图书馆三楼打字.

College classroom

Goodbye, art history conference room in Filene Hall

也许更像是一颗隐藏的宝石,这个房间就像艺术史版的案例中心. 当我有多余的20分钟从一个任务到另一个任务时,就是在这里 你会发现我正坐在那把又大又舒服的椅子上 在艺术史高级板上我的照片下面),努力不打瞌睡.

Goodbye, Saratoga Springs

从早春时节的即兴冰淇淋之旅,到冬天去参加杂烩节 或者去百老汇品尝蜂蜜和橄榄油,萨拉托加从来没有失败过 to provide me with quirky small-city traditions, endless entertainment and a true feeling of home. I couldn’t have asked for a better city to call home for these four years. My winter coat and I will miss you.

Downtown Saratoga Springs

Goodbye, community

More than anything, I’ll miss the people. To those I only met once, to my friends 是谁在压力大的日子里给我带来了我最喜欢的新鲜出炉的南瓜面包,还有我的 指导我、支持我并教给我所需技能的导师和教授们 need to go off into the world — thank you.

Goodbye, Skidmore

我很难用语言准确地表达这个地方在学业上对我的帮助有多大 就我个人而言,离开的想法是多么奇怪和难以捉摸.

很难想象再也不会有松鼠或D-Hall晚餐了. 但我 will always have the memories. More special than anything, they will always bring 我回到这些空间、时刻和人——甚至是松鼠.

虽然我不再是学生了,但我迫不及待地想成为那个热切的远房表亲, 或者陌生人在火博体育t恤的牌子前大喊,准备追忆往事 my four wonderful years as a Skidkid.

# Skid4life 

火博体育 the Author

Jennifer Lupoff

珍妮·卢波夫(Jenny Lupoff)来自康涅狄格州韦斯特波特,主修艺术史,辅修管理和商业. 她喜欢所有视觉事物背后精心制作的故事, making her two areas of study a perfect combination. Though from the suburbs, 她在熙熙攘攘的城市里感觉如家一般,喜欢探索——最好是步行——这种能量, foods and shops of new places.