

by 哈利·穆尼,21岁

Maintaining grades and extracurricular activities, making it to lectures and social events, learning how to live with strangers while somehow finding time to network and plan your future — college can be demanding.  

Many college students (including me) get caught trying to balance it all. 不幸的是, that can mean forgetting to take care of ourselves.

I’m still learning, but I’ve discovered that making self-care a priority can make 其他事情似乎都容易了. 当我感觉更好的时候,我做得更好. 当我做得更好的时候, 我感觉好多了.

Here are some pillars of my self-care practice that help me stay 健康y and get the 大部分来自我的大学经历.

免责声明: 我不是医学专家. While it’s hopefully already clear, I’m still in college; so my personal recommendations are not substitutes for professional care.


Clubs are an amazing part of the culture here at Skidmore. 带着这么多正能量 around them, it’s tempting to go to the club fair and sign up for everything. 但是, if you overextend yourself, you may not fully appreciate each experience.

你有四年的时间去探索. Try committing first to a small number of clubs or activities so you can fully experience them, benefit from really connecting with people and avoid feeling stressed about something that’s supposed to be fun!

这是俱乐部的集市. As you can see, hundreds of students show up! 


Waking up and going to sleep at a reasonable time is a superpower. 在这个世界上 midnight deadlines are glorified, it can be awkward to be the first person to go to 床上. 但是, there’s real power in saying, “No thanks! 我已经做完我的工作了. 我要 上床睡觉.” It’s probably no surprise that your midnight paper isn’t as good as your 中午纸. And, that midnight paper probably means sleeping through class, which means missing lessons and being confused for the next paper.

Avoid the “sleepy” slope and get your rest.


For me, after a long day, having a space to return to that feels like home is crucial. I’ve really put effort into making my space comfortable. 我贴了海报,挂了灯 和图片. I have plants on my windowsill (I don't always remember to water them). Whatever it looks or feels like to you, I encourage you to get creative and make your 校园里的家有家的感觉.  

Skidmore college student in their dorm room



I feel so much more prepared to take on 的那一天 when I eat breakfast. 你会大吃一惊的 how strong the urge will be to just sleep through it … but I promise it’s worth the reward, especially when it's in our dining hall, which I love. 我都写在这里了. 

P.S. The 法国 toast sticks are excellent and they pair quite well with a variety 健康的一面.

But breakfast is only part of the practice. 保持快乐的能量,避免 lure of the mid-day, post-lunch-crash nap, I find I need to eat regular meals throughout 的那一天.

Skidmore students eating waffles in the dining hall


在户外的大自然中可以 提高你的短期记忆力, 帮助你减压,消除疲劳, 帮助对抗抑郁和焦虑, 降低血压, 提高你的专注能力, 让你更有创造力, 增强免疫系统冒着听起来很夸张的风险, 降低早逝的整体风险!

If the research doesn’t already speak for itself, I personally find a walk in Skidmore’s North Woods, looping through the trails that extend deep in the forest, clears my 心. 这是(字面上的)新鲜空气.

A photo looking down at men's feet in a pile of leaves

Plants on the windowsill and fruit for breakfast can help. 而是真正的自我照顾 is about getting in touch with how you feel, when you feel off and when you need to 休息一下或者寻求帮助.

That said, the Skidmore community is very focused on student well-being. 不管 what you’re going through physically, mentally or emotionally, people here want you 感觉健康和被支持.

Here are some Skidmore programs and services available for students:

  • 火博体育学院健康服务中心 — for treatment for illness or injury, immunization and exams. 与学生合作, primary care providers, the campus community and the greater 萨拉托加温泉市 健康care community, it’s an exceptional on-campus resource.
  • 火博体育大学咨询中心 -用于个人和团体治疗. Fully accredited by the International Association 谘询服务, it offers confidential and professional mental 健康 services while also advocating, consulting and communicating with the larger community on behalf of student mental 健康.
  • 健康促进司 -进行同伴健康教育和宣传. 这个学生健康中心有脉搏 火博体育学生的幸福,因为这是 由学生提供动力. Whether you have questions about relationships and sexual 健康, alcohol and drugs, or nutrition and body image, you can find a peer here who can listen 和帮助. 

As college students, it can be hard to prioritize our own 健康, especially when we are pushed to prioritize academics, work and extracurriculars. 然而,我们如何 take care of ourselves now determines our 健康 in the future.

I’m on a journey to figure out what works best for me. 我希望我学到的东西可以 inspire you to find self-care practices that work best for you.




哈里是一名大三学生 北布里奇顿,缅因州, 学习历史和哲学. You will likely find him at the climbing gym, 图书馆, 阿迪朗达克的高峰, or his bird’s eye window seat high up in Jonsson Tower. His favorite building on campus is D-Hall and his favorite color is chartreuse.